Why I Won’t Be Reading Your Work Again

2 min readDec 11, 2022
Photo by Alexander Krivitskiy on Unsplash

I don’t want to hear about it again. I hate how it sounds. I hate how it makes me feel.

I’m sure you’re still going to keep them coming because you get your kicks from offering others what you can’t spend a quid on and earning money and attention therefrom. That makes you the only winner in this game you play with many.

I won’t ask you to stop doing what you enjoy doing. But like you made your choice to only serve what you can’t consume, I’ve equally made mine. I have chosen to see what I want to see. Read what I want to read and listen to only what I want to listen to.

The last time you shared your last content with me, I paused and pondered on what you’d been sharing with me all this while. I mulled over them and considered their impacts on my well-being. I then realize that you’ve been poisoning my mind with virulent content that only benefits you. And I can’t believe I spent money and time at some point on your work. That was no doubt one of the worst mistakes I made this year and I’m certain it won’t happen again.

You can continue to refine your seemingly germane, but virulent pieces and send them to those that you still enjoy their attention and patronage. To those that believe they gain a better understanding of life and feel better from consuming your work. Send it to those that are yet to…

